User Charges
Customer Services Charges for Water and Sewer Effective July 1, 2019
Billing Cycle
Your water meter is typically read every 28-31 days. If we’re unable to obtain a reading, your billing period may be extended, or your bill will be estimated based on your previous water usage. The following month, we will take an actual reading and make any necessary adjustments to your bill.
You can assist us by ensuring your water meter is easily accessible. Common obstacles that can prevent meter readings include debris, vehicles parked over the meter, and unfriendly dogs.
Water and sewer customers are billed monthly in arrears, with current charges becoming past due 15 days after the billing date. Final sewer bills will cover the period from the last billing date to the last day of service.
- Residential – $44.00 per month
- Not the property owner or it is not considered your primary residence.
- Commercial – $44.00 per month for the first 7000 gallons; all over 7000 (per 1000 gallons or part thereof – $6.77 (based on water meter reading)
- Sewer Flow Meter Rate – $44.00 for the first 6000 gallons flow of domestic waste water discharged of parts thereof and $8.00 for each additional 1,000 gallons flow of domestic waste water discharged or parts thereof.
- A minimum monthly charge of $8.50 plus a volumetric rate of $4.81 per 1000 gallons used or per part thereof.
Miscellaneous Fees
- Rental Deposit $100.00
- $75.00 for 90 day Temp Service
- Returned Check Fee $30.00
- Late Payment $10.00
- Late Payment Processing Fee (if water service is processed for disconnection for non-payment) $40.00
- Late Payment Processing Fee (if sewer service is processed to be plugged for non-payment) $100.00
- Fire Flow Test Fee $250.00
- Discharge of Septage at BCWS Facility $7.00 by each 100 gallons of septage or part thereof
- Discharge of Grease at BCWS Facility $9.10 by each 100 gallons of septage or part thereof
- Fire Protection Services – 6″ or larger $350.00/year
- $25.00 for requests to investigate water or sewer issue by our technician.
Costs Associated with a New Project
Impact fees, tap fees, warranty fee, and bonds are all included in the cost for a new project.
Special Services
A charge of 2% of the commercial construction cost of any water and/or sewer system which is to be constructed by a private entity or developer and deeded to BCWS. This fee shall be paid prior to the commencement of construction based upon the estimated cost of construction.
All extensions to serve development of private property within Berkeley County Water and Sanitation water and sewer service areas are financed by private sources.
In processing wastewater from industrial and commercial customers, our lab department must perform several functions not required for non-industrial customers. They include:
- Monitoring the wastewater discharge that could potentially discharge either high strength or toxic wastes.
- Billing and collecting for high strength surcharges and monitoring charges.
A countywide water connection fee to all users:
- 3/4 inch connection or less: $1050.00
- Service connection larger than 3/4 inches: Actual cost of connection plus 15%, including the current market price of the appropriate water meter installed in accordance with the provision of the Berkeley County Code
Prior to receiving a Certificate of Occupancy (CO), an inspection is required to ensure the meter box is flush with the finished grade of the landscaping. A twenty-four (24) hour notice is required for inspection.
This non-refundable fee is charged a customer who moves into a location where a connection exists but must have his water meter turned on or where a new service either water or sewer is provided and the account is activated for the customer.
Certain customers served by BCWS only have a temporary demand for water and sewer service. In such cases, property owners may wish to avoid a minimum monthly charge by discontinuing their water and sewer during the “off season.” BCWS however, is still required during the “off season,” to pay fixed costs associated with having a system available for use. Customers who temporarily disconnect must inactivate their service for a period of not less than two (2) months when the house is for sale, the customer is on extended vacation or military assignment.
This charge covers the costs associated with unutilized system capacity available to meet future needs. As a new customer receives service, they will pay an impact fee equal to the prorated residential equivalent equity in all treatment, transmissions, and collection facilities. The revenue from the impact fee is allocated to capital improvements for the expansion of capacity related to the above described system components. In this manner a new customer is returning to the existing share previously paid by existing users. Without available unused capacity, new customers could not connect to the system and receive service.
*Water Impact Fee (per Equivalent Residential Unit) $2200.00
*Sewer Impact Fee (per Equivalent Residential Unit) $2850.00
An impact fee must be paid for each commercial unit within any office complex and/or shopping center. Commercial customers should contact our Operations Department to calculate the impact fee which varies by size of structure, number of employees, number of seats, or number of fixtures, etc.
A countywide sewer connection fee to all users:
- Six inch connection or less: $1200.00
- All other connections: Actual cost of connection plus 15% percent
In most cases sewer collection laterals were “stubbed-in” to the property line when the contractor constructed a collector main. After the property owner connects with the “stubbed-in” sewer lateral and before backfilling the trench for same, BCWS must inspect the building’s sewer connection for proper installation. Twenty-four (24) hours notice is required for inspection of such laterals.
These charges related to the late payment processing of a delinquent customer’s water and/or sewer bill and processing of returned checks initially received in payment of accounts, as follows:
- $10.00 relates to BCWS’ cost of processing each delinquent account for which payment has not been received by the due date.
- $30.00 relates to cost for the processing of returned checks or ACH Draft. In addition, personal checks will not be accepted from customers who have had one or more checks returned from the bank during the past twelve (12) months.
There will not be a separate past due notice. If customer has a past due amount on their bill, the bill itself will be their only notification that service is subject to disconnection if the previous balance is not paid in full prior to the given date.
Water service will be restored on the same work day of payment provided the payment and a $40.00 processing fee is made before 2PM.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I get my bill adjusted if I had a leak?
If you find a water leak and repair it, you may be eligible for an adjustment for up to 3 months on your bill. We require proof of repair before granting a leak adjustment, and customers are eligible for one leak adjustment every three years. Please contact Customer Service Department at (843) 572-4400 for more information.
Can I get a discount on my sewer bill when I fill my pool?
No. BCWS does not provide a discount for filling a pool.
Why am I charged a minimum bill even if I don’t use any water?
Our water and sewer rate structures both include a minimum bill, which is a monthly charge for service availability. The minimum bill is designed to recover the costs associated with making service available, including costs related to metering, billing and infrastructure. The water minimum bill includes pays for the costs associated with providing water for fire protection, one of the key functions of our water system. These costs remain constant regardless of whether you use any water in a billing period.
What is Automated Meter Reading (AMR)?
Automated Meter Reading, or AMR, is a new technology that allows meters to be read automatically using a laptop computer. These meters emit radio signals that are collected by computers in our meter readers’ trucks. They allow us to collect meter readings automatically. BCWS began using this technology in 2009 and has installed about 22,000 units. The benefits of AMR include more precise meter readings and improved efficiency.
Why is my bill higher than usual?
The most common reasons for a high bill are changes in water use and leaks. Did you do anything that would use more water than usual, such as outdoor watering or having house guests? Check for leaks. Typical culprits are running toilets, leaking outdoor spigots, and damaged sprinkler heads. You can use your water meter to help determine if you have a leak. The little red triangle on the meter dial is a flow indicator. Turn off all water-using fixtures and appliances inside and outside your home, then check the triangle. If it’s spinning, even slightly, that means water is going through the meter, and you probably have a leak. Keep searching or contact a plumber for help.
Why do water and sewer rates keep going up?
The primary driver of rate increases is the need to fund new and replacement infrastructure. Replacing aging infrastructure is necessary to maintain the level of service we all expect, but the cost is high. BCWS funds infrastructure primarily by issuing revenue bonds and adjusting rates to repay the debt. The cost of wide-scale infrastructure replacement and its impact on water and sewer rates is a challenge faced by utilities across the country.
Will I be charged for sewer while my home is under construction?
BCWS will waive the monthly sewer charge for new homes under construction until one of the following occurs:
- Actual usage on your water meter exceeds 2,000 gallons
- A certificate of occupancy is issued
- The maximum time period of 4 months has passed.