Sewer Service Issues
If you’re experiencing sewer-related problems such as slow drainage, backups, or unpleasant odors, please contact us:
- Weekdays (9 AM – 5 PM): Call (843) 572-4400.
- After Hours & Weekends: Call (843) 572-4400. Our answering service will take your information and dispatch the appropriate personnel.
There is no charge for our response to sewer issues. We have personnel on call 24/7, 365 days a year to assist you.
You can also reach out through our Customer Service Request System.
A cleanout is an entry point into the sewer service that is used to clear obstructions in the line. A clean out can be located inside or outside. BCWS maintains clean outs located in the public right of way (not on private property). However, the maintenance of a clean out on private property is the owner’s responsibility.
It is the homeowner’s responsibility to open the sewer cleanout at his property line and determine when repair service is needed from BCWS. If there is no flow or backup at the sewer cleanout, the blockage is between your structure and the cleanout. In this case, you should call your plumber. If there is a backup at the cleanout, call BCWS and repair crews will respond as quickly as possible.
Call (843) 572-4400 for any broken or damaged cleanouts
Sewer Inspections
To request a sewer inspection, please email us. Someone will reply to you within 24 hours.
Manholes provide access to main sewer lines and are typically located every 400 feet, though this distance may vary. Berkeley County has over 10,000 manholes.
Important Safety Notice: Manholes are not safe places for children to play. They contain hazardous gases, such as methane and hydrogen sulfide, and may have low oxygen levels, posing serious risks including permanent injury or death.
If you notice an uncovered or damaged manhole, please contact the sewer department immediately at (843) 572-4400.
Missing Manhole Cover
Immediately contact the Wastewater Collection Department (843) 572-4400. A missing manhole cover may create a safety problem.
Noisy Manhole Cover
Contact the Wastewater Collection Department (843) 572-4400
This usually involves an unauthorized person removing a manhole cover and dropping objects into the manhole and obstructing the sewage flow, which can result in a backup into a building or sanitary sewer overflow. If you notice tampering with a manhole cover, please contact the 24-hours a day (843) 572-4400 immediately.
Smoke Test
The Waste Water Collection division of BCWS will periodically test the sewer system for inflow or infiltration. The most effective method is smoke testing. A powerful ventilator will introduce non-toxic smoke into the sanitary sewer system. Smoke testing often reveals the source of fresh water inflow into the sanitary sewer system, problems on private property, problems inside the homes such as bad pipes and/or dry taps and illegal connections.
Sewer Clogs / Backups
There are several causes of clogged sewers. In our area, the main cause is roots that enter the joints of pipes or cracks in older pipes. Roots seek water and often force their way through the cracked pipe. Also, broken pipe may allow soil to enter and cause and issue.
Fats, Oils & Grease, or FOG, can build up in the sewer lines resulting in backups and overflows. Sewer backups can create health hazards, damage property and threaten the environment. Grease that is rinsed down kitchen sinks sticks to the inside of sewer pipes, both on your property and in BCWS’ main lines. Over time, it builds up and eventually blocks the pipe. Grease dissolving products may alleviate build up close to the drain, but that doesn’t mean the grease doesn’t end up somewhere down the line and cause problems.
Never pour grease down the drains! Scrape grease and scraps into a container or in the trash can for disposal. Garbage disposals don’t keep grease from sticking to pipes. Be sure to use strainers in sink drains to catch scraps and throw them away in a trash can.
Other items that are flushed down the toilet instead of thrown in the trash, can also clog up sewer lines and result in backups and overflows. These items include:
- Baby/Facial/Cleaning Wipes
- Tampons
- Sanitary Napkins
- Dental Floss
- Hair
- Cotton Swabs/Balls
To help prevent clogs, we recommend that you only flush the 3 P’s – Pee, Poop and (toilet) Paper! Click here to learn more about What Not to Flush and FOG.
Specifications for sewer service laterals
- Each residential dwelling unit shall be served by a minimum of 4″ diameter line.
- Each commercial unit shall be served by a minimum of 6″ diameter line.
- A maximum of two 4″ services may be tied into a 6″ lateral.
- Wye connections must be made by utilizing a double 4 X 6 Wye.
- Clean-outs must be constructed to ground level and placed every 50 feet for services longer than 100 feet and at any change in the direction of the sewer lateral exceeding 22-1/2 degrees.
- All lines on private property must be constructed by Schedule 40 PVC or Ductile Iron Pipe.
- Should the service lateral not be serviceable, replacement, extension or repair will be accomplished by the applicant.

A cleanout is a one-way access point installed at the BCWS’s right of way, usually located a few feet behind the sidewalk with a concrete ring placed around it for protection.
Call (843) 572-4400 for any broken or damaged cleanouts
Sewer Inspections
To request a sewer inspection, please email us. Someone will reply to you within 24 hours.
Manholes are access points for the main sewer lines. They are generally located about every four hundred feet; however, distance may vary. There are over 10,000 manholes in Berkeley County.
Manholes are NOT places for children to play in or around. Manholes contain poisonous gases such as methane, hydrogen sulfide, and contain a lack of oxygen that could cause permanent injuries and/or death.
If you see an uncovered or damaged manhole, please call the sewer department at (843) 572-4400.
Missing Manhole Cover: Immediately contact the Wastewater Collection Department (843) 572-4400. A missing manhole cover may create a safety problem.
Noisy Manhole or Cover: Contact the Wastewater Collection Department (843) 572-4400
Vandalism: This usually involves an unauthorized person removing a manhole cover and dropping objects into the manhole and obstructing the sewage flow, which can result in a backup into a building or sanitary sewer overflow. If you notice tampering with a manhole cover, please contact the 24-hours a day (843) 572-4400 immediately.