MONCKS CORNER, S.C. – (Wednesday, January 20, 2021) – Berkeley County is collecting information and data at various locations in the Tall Pines area in order to make improvements to the stormwater drainage system (see attached map). Crews will be in the field from January 25 through March 5, 2021 to gather data from the approximately 183 affected properties. The properties cover the area from upstream of Wisteria Street to the upstream end of the I-26 culvert, as well as from the downstream end of the I-26 culvert to its junction at Limehouse Branch. In total, approximately 8,200 linear feet will be inspected.

Bowman Consulting Group members will be part of the stormwater data collection performing the field work. Field personnel will collect data by taking measurements and making observations using GPS or survey equipment and cameras. They will be identified by name badges, safety vests, and/or other types of identification; and each field personnel will carry identification and provide additional site-specific information, if necessary. The attached notification letter will be provided to citizens with inquiries during time of inspection.

Capital projects on the stormwater management system are conducted to enhance stormwater drainage associated with increased urbanization, including increased stormwater impacts, stream and shoreline erosion, water quality degradation, and loss of natural resources. The data collected will assist the County in assessing, designing, and permitting for enhancements made to the stormwater management system, along with outfalls, creeks, and streams throughout the watershed.
Affected property owners are asked to please allow Bowman Consulting Group’s field personnel to access their properties’ stormwater system components for the purpose of data collection. Berkeley County and Bowman Consulting Group appreciate property owners’ cooperation and understanding. For questions or more information, please contact Berkeley County Stormwater at (843) 719-4195 or [email protected].
– Prepared by the Berkeley County Public Information Office –