Once you have submitted for a leak adjustment, continue to pay the amount of your “normal” monthly bill prior to the leak. The adjustment process can take up to 3 months, depending on the date of the repair. This is to make sure all water consumption is considered in the adjustment. Once the usage is back to normal, we will consider the adjustment amount and you will receive a letter for the amount adjusted, the balance or credit on your account after the adjustment or if your adjustment was denied.

If your bill has not increased that much, it may be in your best interest to save your adjustment for another time. Consideration of an adjustment will be no more than the prior 3 months/readings to the date of repair.

Please enter an address and select the matching address. If the address is not shown then BCWS services are not available at that location.

Note: You are eligible for a leak adjustment once every three (3) years.

(*) Indicates a required field